Your struggle has purpose

Sorry it's been while since we have done a blog post. A lot has been happening and to be honest I wasn't sure the business would make it so have been busy with life. The last couple months have been the toughest for me personally and for the business and I began to doubt how capable I was as an entrepreneur. The journey can be a lonely one and if it wasn't for the support of my loved ones and the impact the brand has had, we wouldn't be here now. Entrepreneurship is very tough and you need to be resilient. Throughout the tough times I was doubting my ability and I lost sight of my why. It became about the results and survival instead of loving the process and motivating others to be purposeful in their lives through sport and fitness, which is the vision of Y-Fit and why I started the brand. It was during the tough times that I remembered exactly why I do this and the whole point in aspiring to build something impactful was to inspire people through the way you approach life and I lose sight of that through the chaos. You can't really inspire people if you only show yourself during the ups. Yeah it's cool to post celebrities wearing your products but what about when the business isn't going well? When sales are down and the support is not there. You are living month by month and struggling to see how you will cover next month's overheads. So I want to show both the ups and downs because this is the journey and what inspiring people is about. 
I do this for the process, not for the results and I needed to be reminded of that. 
The lesson I learnt was to embrace my process and understand that this journey is this difficult for a reason. My ambition requires a struggle that will cause self doubt, anxiety, loss of confidence, loneliness at times, but in the end it will result in personal growth and that's why it will all be worth it, that is a big reason to not give up. Having a positive impact on others are my motivation and the mission for the brand and I need to understand and embrace the struggles that come with that ambition. Your struggle has purpose and is there for refinement and life lessons, it is important to understand that.
"The feeling of success outweighs the pain of the process




Hold to the vision