Mark Agyakwa Mark Agyakwa

Self awareness


The reason self-awareness is so key is because society can usher you to believe you need to be this or have that.

In 2018 you must have a personal brand to grow your business, you must have a big following on Instagram & Snapchat, you must do this and that. How about understand yourself, know what you are good at, do what you are good at and work hard. In an era where so much focus is on the amount of followers, popularity & numbers, never underestimate just plain old raw talent which was rooted in being self aware and knowing who you are and what your gift is.

Just because something is on trend doesn't mean it's for you, it might be, but it might not be.

Not everyone is supposed to be a YouTube star or vlogger but people see that other people are finding success and trying to do it but maybe it's not in your character and nature to be a vlogger or an entrepreneur. Self-awareness is the key. What makes it seem attainable because the reward is high but the application seems simple enough until you try it and you may realise it takes a lot work and dedication, and it's if not you, it's difficult and if it is for you the market is saturated and you must be the best at it. Before everyone wanted to be rappers or athletes but that seemed and is very difficult because it's purely based on the principles or talent & hard work, also with athletes and rappers there is natural talent involved, Lebron was always going to be Lebron. You must also realise Casey Neistat was always gonna be Casey Neistat. Just because it seems easier to be a vlogger, and just because you pick up a camera and film yourself doesn't mean you will become Casey, just because you can pick up a basketball doesn't mean you will become Lebron. That doesn't mean you shouldn't pick something up. There is an art makinh something you are passionate it becoming a career. People should explore different things and try stuff they have a passion for.

However when you are self aware and know who you are, your intuition will tell you whether this is for you and what you are supposed to do for a living, what your career purpose is. Know thyself. 

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Mark Agyakwa Mark Agyakwa



The vision is to empower and motivate people, especially the next generation. It's important to understand your platform however big or small, we all have gifts and abilities capable of inspire someone, never take that for granted.

Channelling your why will always give you perspective, it will make you realise what really matters in life. The vision is always the key and should be the thing that dictates your decisions in life.

This drawing by 14 year old Melody is a reminder to us to always remember why this brand was created and what our vision is. #legacy

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Mark Agyakwa Mark Agyakwa

Take the stairs


Putting in the work will always get you where you need to go, it's the one variable that is completely in your control. No shortcuts or quick gains, take pride in going on the narrow path. The long road leads to great things. You must put in the effort to work hard and be dedicated because it means you are then in control what happens on your journey. Life has so many layers and aspect to it and  many in which you are not in control of so setting your goals and target then putting the work in and taking the steps towards achieving them is the most practical option.

Take the stairs because elevators break

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Mark Agyakwa Mark Agyakwa

Respect the process


Respect the process .... The process is honest, you work hard, you get the results.

The process is painful, you face many obstacles, must make sacrifices.

The process is powerful, it holds the key to everything you want.

The process is audacious, it knows there is a chance you can be broken by it but at the same time knows you can become stronger through it.

The process is emotionless, with no regard of how you feel, in those moments when you lack motivation, it doesn't suddenly make your path easier or try and uplift you.

The process is revealing, it shows you how much you believe in yourself, a judge of character.

The process is beautiful, it looks ugly and perceived that way on the surface but when you go through it, you see the beauty in the struggle because you come out the other side refined as a person.

The process is trustworthy, hold onto the vision, it will work out.

The process is faithful, your work will be rewarded as long as you endure. Stay focused and dedicated and you will achieve your goals. Respect the process....

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